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Tag: Tiger Woods

Executive Session

The 10 most interesting people in HME

July 30, 2010Mike Moran

People love lists. I love lists. Why is that? What is it about a list that makes you automatically want to scan it? Whenever you see a list of the richest people in the world, don't you more often than not bury your nose in it to see who is rich and just how rich they are? I do. The same goes for those lists of the most beautiful people that celebrity-driven rags run on a regular basis. I guess it's just human nature to like lists, which are a bit like gossip, and, as we know, most...

Asela Cuervo, Cara Bachenheimer, Denise Fletcher, Executive Session, Hymie Pogir, Invacare, Lists, Neil Caesar, Roll Call, Sarah Hanna, Seth Johnson, Tiger Woods

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Executive Session

Angry Man tees off on The Scooter Store and HME News

December 4, 2009Mike Moran

Every now and then, some really irate person calls, emails or writes HME News and goes ballistic. To tell you the truth, I like hearing from Angry Man or Angry Woman because it usually indicates that we've struck a nerve. In this business, that's always fun, provided you've reported a factual, unbiased story, expressed an honest opinion or supplied important information. That happened earlier this week, when Angry Man emailed me to complain about an interview we ran on HME News TV with Scooter Store...

Doug Harrison, Executive Session, Tiger Woods, VGM

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